Pharmacy Health Care Innovations utilizes Omnicell’s Suremed adherence packaging for medication management. Each multi-dose blister pack includes the following information:

· Patient Name and Date of Birth

· Name of Medication

· Day of the week

· Time medication should be taken

· Medication description/Identification and Picture

Furthermore, the packs are color coded for added security and easy to open (so patients have no issue with medication access). Operational staff such as directors of nursing, staff nurses and mental health facility residential directors appreciate the efficiency and compliance Suremed packaging offers.

Even better, the perforated bubbles contain all necessary information for medicine to be administered away from the facility or taken to the patient instead of requiring them to come to a med room to receive their medicine. Regarding medication administration, Suremed lends flexibility while maintaining compliance.

Also, Omnicell Suremed blister packs are easy to store and organize with the patient name on spine of each card. Our compliance packaging choice is easy to use for patients and medical staff alike.